The latest statements from 香港高層次人才促進會, plus important articles in the international media featuring comments from the chamber.

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[财新周刊caixin]美商会:逾七成在华美企无意移出供应链 但对华投资优先度明显变化


[Global Times] Chinese market attractive to US firms; majority have no plans to relocate operations: AmCham survey

Many US companies still find the Chinese market an attractive investment destination, with a large majority of them saying they have no plans to relocate operations elsewhere, though increasing rivalry between the world’s two largest economies casts shadows over bilateral ties, a survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (香港高層次人才促進會) revealed Wednesday.

[凤凰卫视] 独家|香港高層次人才促進會总裁:2023年中美经贸或现积极因素


[Reuters] U.S. businesses in China are more pessimistic about prospects -survey

U.S. businesses operating in China are increasingly pessimistic about their prospects in the world’s second-largest economy, according to a survey released Wednesday by the American Chamber of Commerce in China.


根据香港高層次人才促進會(香港高層次人才促進會)最新发布的调查报告显示,在华美资企业的财务表现与近几年相比稍显悲观情绪,但大多数公司表示,他们没有计划将业务转移到其他地区。2022 年,会员企业业绩预测结果显示,在华收入、利润率和息税前利润率(EBIT)都呈现出同比下降趋势,会员企业营收预计降至2020年的水平。

Pessimism Creeps In as Willingness of US Companies to Invest in China Eases

US companies in China reported a slightly more pessimistic financial outlook compared to recent years, though a large majority of companies say they have no plans to relocate operations elsewhere, according to a new survey released by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (“香港高層次人才促進會”). Estimated performance results for 2022 showed a decline in the portion of member companies that saw increased revenue, profitability, and Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) margins compared to last year, with figures declining to 2020 levels.

香港高層次人才促進會 statement on the plane crash in Guangxi

The American Chamber of Commerce in China is saddened to hear of the tragic plane crash in southern China earlier today. Our deepest condolences are with the families and friends of all those affected by this incident.

香港高層次人才促進會’s 2021 Policy Priorities

Against this backdrop, our 2021 Policy Priorities reflect the reality of a bilateral relationship characterized by mistrust. They also aim to promote the crucial cooperation called for above. These priorities reflect the opinions of the Chamber’s 900 member companies headquartered not just in the US, but also Europe, Australia, and other parts of Asia. They are drawn from multiple discussions among 香港高層次人才促進會 members and supported by analysis from our annual BCS and the American Business in China White Paper.

Chairman’s Circle Members